Valgekivi business centre- New and popular commercial premises in Järvamaa!
How can Valgekivi business centre help Your business?
Great location
It has the best location You could ask for. It is almost exactly in the middle of Estonia, every city is only 1.5 hours away.
The exact location is Paide, Prääma tee 11c, which is a very popular place. When You get there, You will find 3 powerful buildings in front of You, which You can access in any vehicle.
Around the building You can find many free parking spaces for anyone to use. It makes the visit very popular for people approaching the complex in either small or large vehicles. There are Espak – the construction shop and Maksimarket very close by. You can find a beautiful living area, right across the road. This makes the surrounding area very attractive for shop keeping businesses.
Both, our building structure and the location, make this business centre extremely convenient. We have ceilings of 8 metres in height, which enables us to make the premises two-storeyd. If You have any special demands, get in contact and let us know! There are ton of free parking spaces for everyone visiting. We don´t care whether You are a worker of the centre or a visitor. You can park any vehicle.
High quality
To work effeciently, You have to put Yourself in the right environment. An environment, in which just the visual beauty makes You want to come to work every morning. That environment is peaceful but very active. Valgekivi business centre is exactly an environment like that! Here we do things while keeping in mind the highest quality!
Our base rate is only 5 eur/m2 monthly. Tax and other expenses are added extra. If You wish to get a personal quote, get in contact with us and we will get to an agreement!
Our business centre is very compact. The size of our business rooms varies from 100 to 2000 square meters. We have both- big storage rooms and small business rooms. The choice is Yours!
Building management
Every section has it´s own water, electricity and gas. You will get a bill for those every month according to the meters.
Firefighting and security
Each section has it´s own firefighting system and security signalisation. You have to agree on a contract with a security firm Yourself.
Extra expenses
Only extra expense is the electricity for outside lighting. That expense is divided by the amount of sections rented and the bill is given with gas, water and electricity bill every month.
You have to agree on a contract with the service provider Yourself.
The cleaning of snow and the outside area is ordered when necessary. The bill is divided by the sections rented and shown in a monthly bill with water, electricity, gas and the extra expense.
The maintenance of fire extinguishers is performed by the management company at the expense of the building owner. The switching of light bulbs can be ordered through the management company in Your own expense.

According to Mapri Ehitus, the building of Valgekivi business centre is special because they are involved in the process from a very early on. The designing and the preliminary work has lasted an entire year. The ideas, that were born during cooperation, have been immediately put into designing and construction. We are always able to find great ideas and modern solutions, to discuss with the client. That is because we are building many similar projects all year round. For the client however, a project like this most likely appears maybe once in ten years´